Saturday, July 21, 2007

Level 1

Right answers are hilighted in green colour...

Q.1) The computer can read but not change the information stored in
a) ROM b) RAM c) KRAM d) None of these.

Q.2) Technician A says that a digital signal is either ON or OFF. Technician B says an Analog signal changes proportionally to the quantity measured. Who is correct?
a) Technician A b) Technician B c) Both A and B. d) Neither A or B.

Q.3) The binary system used by computer consists of
a) 10 numbers b) 5 numbers c) 2 numbers d) 1 number

Q.4) The frequency of an AC signal is determined by the
a) Peak value of the sine wave b) Number of Cycles per unit of time
c) Amplitude of the signal being gain d) All of above

Q.5) Digital Signals are
a) Used to control outputs b) Either full voltage (ON) or zero voltage (OFF)
c) Analog waveform d) All of above

Q.6) Computer memory is normally measured in
a) KB b) MB c) GB d) TB

Q.7) Software that the computer uses to start or “boot”, is found where
a) OS b) FAT c) BIOS d) Microsoft Windows

Q.8) Which of the following is the correct syntax for a URL
a) John b) c) Index.html d)

Q.9) UNIX operating system is based on which language
a) PHP b) JAVA c) XML d) C

Q.10) Which of the following is one of the flavour of LINUX (open-source software)

Q.11) Choose the odd one out
a) Samsung b) LG c) ORACLE d) Sandisk

Q.12) Choose the odd one out
a) Fedora b) Python c) Leopard d) Ubunto

Q.13) HDTV stands for
a) High Density TV b) High Definition TVc) High Decoration TV d) High Display TV

Q.14) What is the mobile platform launched by Intel in May 2007
a) Conroe b) Puma c) Santa Rosa d) Vista

Q.15) Software used for playing music files in Apple i-pod
a) WMP b) i-Tunes c) i-ptunes d) Zune.

Q.16) ERP stands for
a) Ear Response Phone b) Enterprise Resource Piercing
c) Enterprise Resource Planning d) None of the above

Q.17) LUA is
a) A Non-procedural language b) An OS c) Scripting Language d) A Game

Q.18) On cellular front, India is on
a) 1G b) 1.5G c) 2.5G d) 4G

Q.19) HDI stands for
a) Hindustan Distribution, India b) Human Device Interaction
c) High Display Interface d) Both (b) and (c)

Q.20) Software that can think are referred to
a) Linux b) Java Components c) AI software d) Embedded Software

Q.21) IDE stands for
a) Integrated Drives Electronics b) Integrated Disk Emulation
c) IDentity Express d) Information Density Encryption

Q.22) SATA is
a) Serial Advanced Technology Attachment b) a Mobile Platform by Intel
c) Super Access Transfer Aviation d) None of the above

Q.23) PDAs are called as
a) Smartphones b) Laptops c) Earphones d) Chip structures

Q.24) First Terabyte hard disk has been launched by which company
a) Samsung b) Sony c) Hitachi d) Seagate

Q.25) VoIP stands for
a) Voice Over Internet Protocol b) Voice On Internet Protocol
c) Voice Of International Police d) None of the above

Q.26) PCI-e is
a) used for supporting high resolution animation b) used for increasing the sound quality
c) Peripheral Component Interconnect Express d) Both A & C

Q.27) AGP stands for
a) Accelerated Graphics Port b) Access Graphics Port
c) Accelerated GUI Port d) None of the above

Q.28) Southbridge is
a) a software used to debug errors b) a chip that controls IDE bus & PCI bus
c) a wired structure for joining front & back part of graphics card d) Only C

Q.29) CARO stands for
a) Computer Association for Research and Orientation b) Computer Anti-virus Resaerch Organization c) a software d) Both B & C

Q.30) HOAX is
a) Message written to sread fear and doubt b) Message written to send acknowledgement
c) Message sent internally to processor d) Both B & C

Q.31) LINUX was developed by
a) Licolon Max b) Dennis Ritchie c) Chris Warth d) Linus Torvalds

Q.32) MRAM stands for
a) Magnetoresistive RAM b) Mapping RAM c) Medium RAM d) None of the above

Q.33) ARPANET is
a) earlier name of the Internet b) a software that controls the memory usage
c) a device used in conjunction with the embedded system d) All the above

Q34) ISP stands for
a) Internet Station Process b) Internet Simulation Policy
c) Internet Service Provider d) Only A

Q.35) PPU is
a) Physics Processing Unit b) Physical Progress Unit
c) Pixel Processing Unit d) All the above

Q.36) AJAX is
a) Asynchronous JavaScript and XML b) Asynchronous JavaScript and X window System
c) used for CAD software d) None of the above

Q.37) What is VGA
a) Video Graphic Array b) Video Graphic Adapter
c) Both A & B d) None of the above

Q.38) ISA stands for
a) Industry Standard Architecture b) Industry Specific Agent
c) Both A & B d) Either A or B

Q.39) GSM stands for
a) Global System For Mobile Communication b) Global System Management
c) Gigabyte Series Mobile d) All the above

Q.40) QDOS is
a) Quick and Durable Operating System b) Quick and Dirty Operating System
c) Both A & B d) Only A

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